Friday, January 18, 2019


    • When I was a small child, I spent countless weekends and as much time in the
      summer as my mother would allow with my grandmother, Lille Mae Martin. She
      was some kind of card now. She was a straight shooting, bible-toting, card-
      carrying, bona fide Christian woman. At the time, I was not spiritual, therefore I had no idea that
      her loving reference to all woman as "sister" had a biblical undertone.
      Memories of her laughter as we watched the Golden Girls, The Love Boat and
      Fantasy Island through her ole tin-foiled rabbit-eared television occasionally and unexpectedly
      spill into my mind. Likewise, I vividly remember standing in her kitchen chair making
      biscuits with Crisco and ice-cold milk. Appropriately, every single visit was guaranteed
      to include a stop at the community store where we bought candy, muffin mix and
      dozens of cherished, yet cheaply made toys.
      In my grandmother’s home, my sisters and I were allowed… no… encouraged to
      try, explore and create. I recall cakes, flat-as-a-fritter, eaten graciously by all. Snuff cans
      used as makeshift treasure boxes; which always somehow disappeared before our next
      visit no matter how treasured its contents. I reminisce on the days where the only thing
      my sisters and I were afraid of, were cheese cloths draped over one another’s head,
      mimicking our childlike imaginations of ghosts.
      Recently, these old recollections have saturated my memory with a new
      preciseness and vividness I had not yet been acquainted with; memories which are
      adeptly peppered with details I never remembered…
      The warmth and safety which wrapped around me in my grandmother’s home, is
      one beautiful and tangible reflection I now revere. This overwhelmingly embracing
      feeling existed despite the stinging-chill of our bare feet as we bustled to the comfort of
      the furnace across her plywood floors. As of lately, I am reminded of the worn bible
      which always sat on her kitchen table; the epicenter of her home. I remember her large,
      sweet frame bent over her table, engrossed in her scriptures and unaware of onlookers.
      I remember the madness of Sunday mornings before church. In a frenzy, we hurried
      under the cloud of her puffed powders while she sat on her bright green painted wrought
      iron bed. Pulling and tugging, she managed to maneuver us into those uncomfortable
      white tights.
      As sweet as those memories are, there is one significant thing I had forgotten.
      Long before the world called louder than my grandma, Lille Mae, was the feeling
      which enveloped me in her home. A feeling of complete and utter safety, acceptance
      and unconditional love. I had forgotten how it felt all together or even, how it felt at all. I
      simply could not recall it.
      One day, I sat alone studying my Praying for the Lost Effectively pamphlet, when
      without provocation, that ole familiar feeling besieged me, and I remembered it as if I
      had never forgotten. Without a doubt, I knew "that feeling" in my grandmother’s

    • house was the drawing of the Holy Spirit. Without reservation, I wholeheartedly believe
      my grandmother was praying for her grandchildren's souls to be saved. It is my belief
      that I experienced this God wink, if you will, as assurance that I am saved because
      someone prayed. Furthermore, myself praying for lost souls is definitely my Father's
      will. Thank God for that bible-toting, God-fearing, card-carrying, bona fide Christian grandma who
      prayed for my sisters and I.

  • house was the drawing of the Holy Spirit. Without reservation, I wholeheartedly believe
    my grandmother was praying for her grandchildren's souls to be saved. It is my belief
    that I experienced this God wink, if you will, as assurance that I am saved because
    someone prayed. Furthermore, myself praying for lost souls is definitely my Father's
    will. Thank God for that bible-toting, God-fearing, card-carrying, bona fide Christian grandma who
    prayed for my sisters and I.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

For Charlene

Eagle Friend of Mine

Why are you scratching with those chickens?

You know chickens cannot fly...

All the reasons you are an eagle, I will mention.

Remember soaring in the beautiful sky?

Don't you remember what God created you to be?

You are wonderfully and beautiful made in His image.

You are a child of God, don't you agree?

Don't forget your family lineage.

You see my eagle friend, you are not ordinary.

You are fearless, aspiring, creative and wise.

Average people only do what is necessary.

Fly my eagle friend, touch the sky.

Anita M. Powell

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

A Girl's Guide to a Hometown Getaway

                                                          photo credit: Deborah Kemp

I have a confession, I am a hopeless people pleaser, who was born for spa life. It doesn't matter where I am geographically located, if someone wants to be pampered, I WILL find a spa and I will orchestrate the experience!!!  It is only natural that when my friends' and my busy schedules would not allow us to wander far from home, I would plan a girls' weekend in my own hometown of Hartsville, SC. After all, my little town has an assortment of lovely shops, cool happenings and everything spa centric that anyone could possibly hope for in a getaway. Keeping this in mind, I decided to show my gal pals how to do a proper girls weekend in Hartsville.

Where does one lodge for luxury in Hartsville?

Though our little town has several options for the relaxation-seeking traveler, we chose The Mantissa ExecutiveSuites & Spa.  Spa Soleil, the spa we chose, is located right inside this hotel and it is centrally located downtown where shopping and restaurants are convenient. The Mantissa, as I will refer to it from this point on, won my favor because of their dedication to supporting our local market. From the art hanging on the walls, to the delicate soaps and lotions carefully placed by each bathroom sink, the work of local artisans are incorporated throughout.

Day 1: How can a girl hit the town without the perfect ‘do?

Stop #1 Colours

We stopped here for hair color, gloss and blowouts. This vogue salon is nestled perfectly into Mantissa Row and it is beautiful. Inside the ambiance is alluring. It is smartly decorated with exposed brick walls and stylish furniture.  But charm alone won't get you everywhere!!! The stylists are knowledgeable about all the latest hair trends and styles, and they are very professional.

Let the shopping begin!!!

Talk about southern hospitality...

Stop #2 Brandi's on College


We were sporting our gorgeous tresses as we walked to the first  “MUST DO” shop in town, Brandi'son College.  There is every kind of attire or accessory for every age, shape, or style a woman could want, which might make a person think that this is the cornerstone of this thriving business. Not so! Brandi's intuitive ability to pair you with that individualized outfit will blow your socks off. Here good old-fashioned customer service is not a thing of the past. We did a little, well maybe a lot of shopping with Brandi. In fact, we stayed so long that it was time to check into The Mantissa.

Time flies when you're having fun!!!

Stop #3 The Mantissa

Before we knew it, it was time to check in to our chic boutique hotel, The Mantissa. Wow!!! Insert whistle here!! No detail was spared. From the elegant art hanging in the stairwell to the strategically placed, hip furnishings adorning the hallways, we were enamored. Even our sleep number beds were plush and luxurious. The end! Just kidding.

Oh my gosh, cuteness alert!!!

Stop #4 Raised Down South 

Once our bags were all checked in at The Mantissa, we headed to Raised Down South. Let me tell you, inside this ladies clothing boutique, cuteness and variety abide. If you need a baby gift, jeans, jewelry, shoes, a cute candle or that great outfit, this shop is for you.  The options are plentiful and trends are on point.

Hold on to your Stilettos, ladybugs, because we're not in Kansas anymore....

Stop #4 Mahala Reese Boutique


Mahala Reese Boutique looks as if it should be located among the great shops on Rodeo Drive. We made it to this shop a little late, but the owner, Amy Owen, was kind enough to let us sneak in for a peek. Designer, elegant, graceful, Grace Kelly, all these words were swirling around in my head as I took in the sight of a huge white sofa inviting us to sit.  Can you say, all things feminine with glamour, glamour, and more glamour? Please don't let the Manhattan-esque window display fool you; this store offers dress casual options along side the dressier articles of clothing.

And then there is the epicenter for all things creative, artistic, wonderful and local....and we are smitten!!!

Stop #5 Seersuckergypsy

                                                       photo credits: Seersuckergypsy

Seersuckergypsy, is the creation from the brilliant imagination of Roxie Gardner. This shop is absolutely bursting with artistic vibration. One might find handmade jewelry, an original oil painting, a handmade wreath, handmade candles, or essential oils, along with super cool events and classes. Upon entering the building your nose is immediately gifted the scent of an essential oil defusing along with a friendly, “Hello. How can I help you?” There is something for anyone, and I mean anyone, in this “MUST DO” shop, and that's a fact.

If flavorsome had a crossroad, it would be called Black Creek Bistro. The cuisine is hard to pinpoint, but has qualities that are reminiscent of both lowcountry cooking and the cuisine of the south of France.

Stop #6 Black Creek Bistro


Fine dining at it's best. I'm no food critic but I have experienced my fair share of scrumptious eateries. The food here was absolutely taste bud tantalizing. We started with a fried green tomato appetizer, which oozed from every crevice with pimento goat cheese and was topped with red pepper jelly. AH...MAZ...ING!!! The 6oz filet topped with crab and corn salad was quite possibly the best steak I have eaten, maybe EVER, well at least in a long time. I actually cut the filet with my butter knife. I didn't think food could get more heavenly until the crème brulee made it to our table. TO DIE FOR!!!

As for nightlife....

Stop #7 Retrofit sip-n-seat


For our first night life outing we headed over to listen to some oldies at the marvelous, the awe-inspiring, the new “MUST DO” in Hartsville. Retrofit sip-n-seat. Upon entering it felt like I had stepped through some sort of new dimensional porthole, a place where all things posh and artistic collide in an array of oh my goshness that is indescribable. Did I say earlier that I was smitten? Is it possible to be smitten times two? Visualize this: a grassy turf right as you enter which is guarded by wrought iron and exposed brick, holding inside all types of stylish furniture and décor, along with music. Did I mention it's all for sale? Are you kidding me? A wine sipping, musical paradise with all the furnishing up for grabs? And if you don't drink, no worries, they serve craft sodas as well.

Enquiring minds want to know...What's all the hype about the Rooftop at Mantissa?

Stop #8 The Rooftop at Mantissa

This little retreat within our city is located obviously on the rooftop of The Mantissa, hence the name. It is the perfect way to wind down at the end of a day on the town. We were greeted by the friendly staff members as our eyes were drawn to large comfy couches and a huge fire place. This bar was built not only for comfort, but also for aesthetic pleasure. It is very reminiscent of Charleston, SC, in my own humble opinion. Though we were taken aback by its beauty, we were also very exhausted and eager to rest up for our upcoming spa day.

Day 2: The day we've been waiting for: SPA DAY

Stop #1 Crema Coffee Bar

                                             photo credits: Crema Coffee Bar                                                                
A girl can't get her spa on without a serious cup of Joe. Just a short morning stroll, led us to my favorite coffee spot, Crema Coffee Bar. Just as the crema is the best part of a shot of espresso, so is Crema Coffee Bar the best coffee shop in Hartsville, the “Central Perk” of Hartsville, a “cremmunity” as the owners call it. I will spare you the all the intricate details, but I can tell you that even the choice of coffee brand, Counter Culture, was chosen with the idea of community in mind.  And, and, and..... there are some serious fun events like board game night, open mic/karaoke, live music, etc. Did I mention that I love this coffee shop?

The unintentional discovery

Stop # 2 Griggs Circle Bakery


During our short walk back to The Mantissa, we inadvertently stumbled upon Griggs Circle Bakery. They say curiosity killed the cat, well my curiosity discovered a hidden treasure. Just as I suspected the bakery was abundant with breads, cookies, cakes, cupcakes, and pastries. What I didn't expect were the gluten free options.  So, we grabbed some honey sweetened black bean brownies and hastily made our way back to The Mantissa. A real spa-goer cannot be late to spa. This is a cardinal sin.

The moment we've all been waiting for...

Stop# 3 Spa Soleil


Through a big glass entrance, a well-lit, elegantly furnished, marble tiled oasis awaited my girlfriends and I. We were greeted by Chasity Ambrose and her friendly staff with blueberry mimosas and soft gray robes awaited us in our private rooms.  We chose the Spa Soleil Escape, which included a 1-hour massage, a spa manicure, a spa pedicure and a European facial.  This is exactly what the doctor ordered, no pun intended, as this is a medical spa. The spa service options, meant to rejuvenate mentally and physically, are endless.  Spa Soleil's highly skilled staff offers Botox, teeth whitening, and laser along with their more typical facial, massage, and mani/pedis.


There's nothing like a 4-hour Spa to work up a girl’s appetite

Stop #4 The Rooftop for hors d'oeuvres


After we had been massaged, polished and pampered, we headed up to the Rooftop for our cheese and charcuterie board, delivered by The Midnight Rooster. This was no ordinary meat and cheese tray; it was a work of art. Holy mother I couldn't name it all if I tried; the wooden tray beheld French cheeses, salami, olives, dried apricot/figs and crostini paired with a chilled bottle of Bellstar Prosecco. This exquisite outing was beyond my vocabulary so I'll simply say amazing, amazing, amazing.

But wait, who can stay relaxed when there's more shopping to do?

Stop #5 TheMint Julep

This shop has anything from cooking gadgets, to bath bombs, to one of a kind food and spice mixes. It's definitely a great place to pick up a goody basket for that special gift.  We absolutely loved the atmosphere.

Stop # 6 Wild ChildChildren's Boutique

If you are looking for barely worn upscale children's clothing, this is the place to get them. We were greeted like family by the storeowner, Nikki Belville, as we browsed her very tidy boutique. The prices are great and the store donates tons of children’s clothing to our community. I don't know if we were more impressed with the affordable quality clothing or the mission of this boutique, but I can tell you that I will be frequenting this shop.

The perfect precursor before dinner...

Stop #7 Vintage Craft Beer and Wine Boutique


Southern hospitality must be in the firewater on College Avenue. This social hot spot is located right across the way from Brandi’s on College and they are as gracious a host on this side of the street as Brandi is on the other. As the name indicates, the décor is very old school vintage, with craft beers and wine; excellent choices curated by the most knowledgeable staff.  Here they invite you to, “drink outside the box” and we had a blast doing just that.

Hartsville's newest dining destination....

Stop #8 SamKendall's


Conveniently located beside The Mantissa, this elegant restaurant boasts a large seating capacity, yet has a cozy one-on-one environment. The food and staff are simply amazing. We started with broccoli bites and salads, and I'm sorry girls but I can only remember my entree. O...M....G, the crab cakes, THE BEST I have ever had, ever, ever.  Who can eat like this and not sample dessert, so we concluded with a delicious cheesecake. I will say, we were all very pleased with Sam Kendall's.

If you know me at all, you will know that one is too many and a thousand is never enough

Stop #9 Retrofit sip-n-seat AGAIN

We returned to Retrofit sip-n-seat for round two, because if one time is fun, no doubt the second visit will be better. Just as we suspected Karaoke singing the night away did not disappoint. We shamelessly took selfies and sang like drunk college girls without one drop of liquid courage, contrary to what our spectators may have assumed. It was a great way to end our last night of girls' only shenanigans.


They say all good things must come to an end....

Day 3 Yoga with Jamie Martel


Well if it has to end, then it should be a cherry on top kind of ending. After reluctantly gathering our luggage and saying goodbye to our little weekend sanctuary, we headed over to Black Creek Arts Council. This beautiful place has an art gallery, along with events and classes. It also hosts one of Hartsville's fastest growing and healthiest pastimes. Upstairs is a serene yoga studio called Our Sacred SpaceYoga. So, we ended our all-girls’ weekend with private yoga session with our local yogi Jamie Martel. It goes without saying that she was as spot-on with our session as she is superb at assessing ones level of endurance. Namaste, Jamie, we thoroughly enjoyed our mostly child's pose session.

I hope you have enjoyed my little narrative of our weekend. It was so much fun. I encourage anyone, local or otherwise, to try our little town of Hartsville for that perfect getaway.

Anita M. Powell

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

To the Chicken Bog Extraordinaire and Other Recipe Tweaking Enthusiast

My obsession with perfecting chicken bog began eight years ago when I moved to Hartsville SC. I had never even heard of it until my, then six-year-old, son came home from his new school and asked, “Mom have you ever had chicken bog?” I first tasted this deep south delicacy when my employer treated our whole staff to chicken bog church plates. I thought, this is what we call chicken and rice in Upstate South Carolina, which is where I am originally from. But is it really just chicken and rice?
Over the last few years, I have set about to master THE BOG. I have enjoyed many variations of this celebrated dish. I have eaten anything from shamefully bland chicken and rice, to spicy bog, bog with sausage, bog without, bog with chicken and even pork bog. The more bog I have tried, the more compelled I have felt to make my very own version of chicken bog, as inexperienced and intimidated as I was. When in doubt ask!!! And so, I questioned anyone who would talk to me about the art of bog preparation. I asked what kind of rice to use, with sausage or without, what kind of sausage, which spices are most pleasing? Ect....After countless interviews and many google searches, I finally found a starting place. I LOVE all things spicy and southern, so its not surprising that I chose Paula Deen as my mentor. Her chicken bog recipe was easily found on the internet. I followed her recipe to the letter and it was very good. So good that I decided it was tweak worthy. Yes people, I said it, I tweaked the great Queen Deen's Chicken Bog Recipe.
I won't give away all my earnestly sought secrets, but I will highlight some pointers which will make all the difference in your chicken bog recipe. First and foremost, pick the best ingredients. As with all my recipes this means; meats, vegetables and dairy raised or grown locally, if possible. Other grass-fed and organic options can most likely be found at your local grocery store. Personally I shop as locally as the availability within my community allows. Locally raised meat, poultry, and eggs, just to name a few things, can be found at Dr. James Easterling office at 912 S Fifth Street. Gardner Fertilizer & Farm Supply has meat, eggs, and dairy products; along with many other dry ingredients. I get organic vegetable baskets at Seersuckergypsy while in season. When I cannot find everything I need in those places, I try my local grocery store or shop online. Hartsville has a growing weekly farmers market as well. The second and maybe the most important step for amazing chicken bog is to make the broth from scratch. Make bone broth if time allows.
How does one serve bog? Cole slaw is a perfect side dish, maybe this suggestion is an inspiration from all the church plates I have consumed. I add sausage and hot spices as I prepared the bog, but hot sauce or jalapenos are still a must when I'm ready to eat it. Some folks even like to eat it with bread and butter pickles. Obviously, the side dishes and condiment choices vary as much as the recipes themselves.
With a little effort and ingenuity along the lines of healthful, local and organic ingredients, even southern cuisine can do the body good. Besides being about healthy food, whole wellness living can be about an attitude of empowerment which gives us permission to abandon the absolute and impossible rules we unwittingly set for ourselves, like NO CARBS EVER!!!! So go ahead and have some bog, even though it chock-full of rice, because a whole wellness lifestyle can also be about flexibility while enjoying moderation with all types of delicious food. I hope this Bog blog inspires you to live well, cook well, shop local and to become a fearless tweaker of both recipes and life.


Thursday, January 12, 2017

When handmade body products are more than just trendy.

Often people will mistakenly think that handmade bath and body products just smell good or look cute. They are clearly overlooked as having any medicinal purposes. Ahh, but I beg to differ. Before Christmas I purchased some inexpensive laundry detergent just because it was labeled free and clear. I thought, why not save money and still get a gentle detergent. Shortly after doing my first load of laundry my husband's skin broke out all over with tiny itchy blotches. I tried several remedies but none of them prevailed. I had gifted him some lavender and vanilla soap and bath bomb from Tiffany Moan's Super Natural Body Care line. Since he knew from me that Tiffany's products were mild, he wondered if they would ease the itching and discomfort. After using them for two days the irritation was completely gone. Tiffany will be sharing information regarding her skin care line at her Sunday Brunch with Tiffany on Jan 22nd at 1:30 at Crema Coffee Bar. This is an excellent, high preforming line made with the upmost integrity and will be available for purchase at the event. You can also find Super Natural Body Care products at Seersuckergypsy on N 5th Street in Hartsville, SC.

Monday, November 30, 2015

An unexpected but much welcomed healing

Let me begin by saying that I believe in giving credit where credit is due. On December 30th I broke my pinky toe on the footboard of my bed as I dashed into my kitchen. (My tea pot was boiling over) The pain was immediate and severe. I don't mind telling you I actually cried. I could barely put any weight or pressure on my foot as I walked. Several people (including Dr. Google) said there's really nothing you can do for a broken toe, it takes 6 weeks to recover, etc... Dr. Easterling, who is a chiropractor in Hartsville SC, had a different and unusual method of treatment. He prescribed that I wrap the toe and sit in his infrared sauna for a series of treatments. This, he said, would increase my blood flow and speed up the recovery process. Here are my personal results: # 1) After 1-30 minute treatment the swelling had decreased some, I had a pronounced limp and the discoloration was barely visible the second day. #2) After 2 more treatments the swelling had completely subsided, discoloration gone, I still had a somewhat less pronounced limp, had the toe wrapped, and wore a special shoe, but the pain was noticeably less. #3) less than two weeks later; the pain is minimal, I am wearing a regular shoe on that foot most of the day and my limp is barely noticeable. I am very thankful to Dr. Easterling for his advise and help. If you have pain and inflammation I strongly suggested giving the infrared sauna a try. The good news is that it seems to be helpful for weight loss as well.